Thoughts from Training Time discusses employee recognition ideas on the cheap. For more thoughts on motivating your work force, Susan M. Heathfield of’s Human Resources posts the top 10 Ideas about what employees want from work. And on the flip side, Frank Roche of Know HR reminds us that threats don’t work to get a positive attitude.
Corporate Wellness Insights gives tips for workplace wellness on a shoe string.
Christopher McKinney of HR Lawyer’s Blog summarizes some of the regulation changes for Family & Medical Leave Act that are giving employers concern. Mark Toth of Manpower Employment Blawg offers highlights of some of the FMLA changes and a link to the new regulations.
HR Blunders discusses an interesting situation: does an employer have liability if their employee uses a work computer to harass a neighbor? This was the basis of a real lawsuit – the plaintiff sued claiming negligent supervision and training. They argued that CUNA had a duty to prevent its employees from using company computers to harass others. And in their related blog, HRMorning, see The manager’s guide to documentation.
D. Jill Pugh of Employee Handbooks: A for profit business cannot have “volunteers”.
Laurie Ruettimann of Punk Rock Human Resources discusses innovators and auditors.