From time to time, we like to pass along some of our staff’s favorite bookmarks and handy dandy Web tools. Here’s a roundup of a few that you might find useful.
The Days Off Calculator is a useful tool for any organizations that have complex staffing needs, such as retail, call centers, and assembly operations. It assists in scheduling staff over a 7-day week by working out how many workers can have any given pair of days off (Saturday/Sunday, Sunday/Monday, etc.) and still fill the staffing requirements. Enter how many people you need each day and it tells you how to set up your employees’ off-days.
Drug Digest is a great resource for your wellness programs. It bills itself as “the most comprehensive source of noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer-oriented drug information on the Internet.” Access reference materials on drugs, vitamins, breakthrough medical research, and state-of-the-art disease management. It includes a drug interactions database for checking potentially harmful drug interactions and a variety of other helpful interactive tools.
Policies, Handbooks: Samples and Examples –’s Human Resources site has an extensive list of sample policies, job descriptions, and handbook examples that can be used as guides when developing or revising your own policies and procedures.
OneLook Dictionary Search is an essential bookmark, allowing you to search multiple dictionaries at once through a single interface. OneLook includes more than 5 million words in more than 900 online dictionaries. Find definitions, find translations of a word in other languages, or use wildcards to search for that word that you don’t know how to spell. Try it out with today’s word of the day – a quick definition can be found on the right, and more detailed information from a variety of sources can be accessed from a list on the left.
Google docs and spreadsheets – did you know Google has a suite of free Web-based collaborative tools? If you’ve ever tried to keep track of various versions of a document or spreadhseet as it passes through many hands, this is a good tool. You can share, collaborate, and edit from various locations in real time.
How much can you save with paperless pay? Use this ROI Calculator to find out.
Benchmarking you business – Statistics of U.S. Businesses from the US Census Bureau.
Relax – ten steps to a less stressful commute.
Want to ensure that your work force is operating at its most productive? The 10 C’s of employee engagement.