We’ve found a few new blogs and resources that you might find useful. There are brief introductions to each in this post and we’ve added them to our sidebar. (If you haven’t checked out our sidebar lately, why not take a few minutes to poke around? There’s an expanding collection of links to other business blogs and general HR resources.)
HR Metrics – The stated goal of this site is, “To help organizations optimize their performance by being the best source of HR metrics.” The site has several useful components:

  • Metrics Center – offering templates and formulas that can be used to measure safety, training, benefits, hiring, and many other organizational matters.
  • Library – a compilation of hundreds of articles by HR experts on various topics, with an emphasis on metrics.
  • Blog – We note with some interest that the blog’s most recent entry is on Measuring EAPs, suggesting that one standard for measuring effectiveness is to chart your EAP’s impact on retention. There are several other excellent recent entries, as well.

KnowHR Blog – This is a smart and fun HR blog – it includes book reviews on HR literature, posts on serious HR issues, and a generous dose of humor, something we really like. How can you not like a blog that tells you about paper airplanes for HR pros?
HR Daily Advisor – offers a free daily newsletter from BLR, but you can also simply visit the blog’s daily posting. Search hundreds of archived tips by chronological date or by topic matter. Today’s post captures some of the baseball fever that’s in the air: Workplace Lessons from Baseball’s Cal Ripkin Jr.


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