Need ideas for your upcoming employee newsletters? Check out our list of key December dates & events, with links to helpful resources. Be sure to remind staff about EAP availability as a free, confidential source of help!
As far as health observances, the month of December’s events are a little on the skinny side, no doubt eclipsed by the many seasonal holidays and festivities. Nevertheless, we’re offering links to resources for these events that might be useful in the month’s employee communications.
Safe Toys Month – It’s estimated that unsafe toys result in nearly 300,000 emergency room visits annually – and that doesn’t factor in lesser injuries treated at home. Protecting children from unsafe toys is the responsibility of everyone. Careful toy selection and proper supervision of children at play is the best way to protect children from toy-related injuries. The linked tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission offer guidance. Also see the 2024 list of the 10 Worst Toys of this holiday season.
World AIDS Day – December 1 is the 37th World AIDS Day, it’s a time to remember those we have lost to AIDS-related illnesses as well as the 39 million people who are living with HIV worldwide. According to the United Nations, “Ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is within reach, but only if global leaders commit to dismantling barriers to healthcare and upholding human rights.” Learn more about that commitment in the US: World AIDS Day 2024: Reflecting on Our HIV Progress and Our Future.
12/1-7 – National Handwashing Awareness Week – Mascot “Henry the Hand” offers annual reminders of why handwashing is the best way to prevent seasonal flu and infectious diseases. Henry advocates practicing the 4 Principles of Hand Awareness: 1. Wash your hands when they are dirty and before eating; 2. DO NOT cough into your hand; 3. DO NOT sneeze into your hands; 4. Above all, DO NOT put your fingers into your eyes, nose, or mouth.
12/2-6 – National Influenza Vaccination Week – This week is a reminder of the importance of influenza vaccination.. Everyone 6 months and older should know that there’s still time to get a flu vaccine – the flu season runs through May. The CDC offers shareable resources, vaccination messages, and activities for key flu information. Don’t miss the “from wild to mild” posters and social media art.
12/3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities – An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This represents 16% of the world’s population, or 1 in 6 of us. This year, the UN’s theme for this annual observance day is amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.
Major Holidays
- 12/25 – Christmas
- 12/25-1/2 – Hanukkah
- 12/26-1/1 – Kwanzaa
- 12/31 – New Year’s Eve
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